Dr. Ken Speidel
R.Ph., BS Pharm., PharmD. FIACP., FACA.

The SMART Hormone Assessment is the digital version of an Assessment and algorithm created by Dr. Ken Speidel. Ralph Kaiko the sole director of SMART SEPPO Pty Ltd that developed the digital adaptation of Dr. Ken Speidel's Assessment and algorithm.
The digitisation of Dr. Ken's work is seen as a means of systemising symptom collection for treating Physicians and providing them not only efficiencies but the means to easily track the severity of symptoms prior and through treatment.
Professional Background
Dr. Ken Speidel is known for his experience in pharmacy practice and education including his national recognition as a pharmacotherapeutic specialist in endocrinology and pain management, as well expertise in sterile and non-sterile compounding processes. He has been instrumental in the development of national standards for pharmacy compounding practices and authored several chapters of a review text including; Sterile and Non-sterile Compounding for the North American Pharmacist Licensure Exam (NAPLEX). Concurrent with his worldwide consulting and educational work, Dr. Speidel formerly was a Professor of Pharmacy Practice.
In addition to being course coordinator and lead professor, he was also a clinical site faculty for Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience student rotation programs for several doctoral programs. He has also assisted in the development and facilitation of many nationally recognized ACPE educational programs. He is a frequent presenter at hospital grand rounds lecture programs as well as national forums and has published articles in the professional literature on compounding, home infusion pharmacy and specialty therapeutics. Ken is a consultant to many organizations including Boards of Pharmacy as well as hospitals and health systems across the United States. Establishing more stringent standards for accreditation and increased surveyor expertise in the pharmaceutical compounding industry has been a major area of interest for Ken. He was an advisor to the development of the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) and was appointed to an eight member national standards committee responsible to draft the initial national pharmacy compounding standards. He remains an active surveyor and accreditation expert for PCAB/ACHC (Accreditation Commission for Health Care). Ken's knowledge and experience in formulation practices led to an entrepreneurial pursuit with the development of a specialty non-sterile and sterile compounding facility. As President and Clinical Director, he was responsible for clinical assessments and consultations, compounding formulation and evaluation, quality assurance, performance improvement as well as business development.
Throughout his career, Ken has been active in a number of professional societies. He was a member and past multi- term President of the National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) and a Multi-term President of a large Hospice Program in the United States. Dr. Speidel has been awarded Fellowship status with the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists as well as the American College of Apothecaries. Ken received a Doctor of Pharmacy and a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy both from Ohio Northern University. He has additional post graduate training in endocrinology, aseptic compounding, extemporaneous compounding, functional medicine, and pain management.